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- 7 segment interfacing with 8051 »
- program for 7 segment display interfaced with microcontroller 8051 (4 digit)
org 00h
dig_ctrl4 equ p1.0
dig_ctrl3 equ p1.1
dig_ctrl2 equ p1.2
dig_ctrl1 equ p1.3
mov dptr,#200h
mov r0,#00d
ljmp main
org 000Bh
mov tl0,#36h
mov th0,#0f6h
mov p2,#0ffh
clr dig_ctrl1
clr dig_ctrl2
clr dig_ctrl3
clr dig_ctrl4
inc r0
mov a,r0
mov b,#4
div ab
mov r0,b
cjne r0,#00,b1 ;check for remainder
mov dptr,#200h
mov a,r1
movc a,@a+dptr
mov p2,a
setb dig_ctrl1
sjmp last
b1: cjne r0,#01,b2
mov dptr,#200h
mov a,r2
movc a,@a+dptr
mov p2,a
setb dig_ctrl2
sjmp last
b2: cjne r0,#02,b3
mov dptr,#200h
mov a,r3
movc a,@a+dptr
mov p2,a
setb dig_ctrl3
sjmp last
b3: cjne r0,#03,last
mov dptr,#200h
mov a,r4
movc a,@a+dptr
mov p2,a
setb dig_ctrl4
main: mov tmod,#11h
mov tl0,#36h
mov th0,#0f6h
mov ie,#82h
setb tr0
again: mov r4,#00
l4: mov r3,#00
l3: mov r2,#00
l2: mov r1,#00
l1: acall delay
inc r1
cjne r1,#10,l1
inc r2
cjne r2,#10,l2
inc r3
cjne r3,#10,l3
inc r4
cjne r4,#10,l4
sjmp again
delay: mov r5,#20 ;initialize counter for delay
rpt: mov tl1,#0fdh ;initialising timer for delay
mov th1,#4bh
setb tr1
here: jnb tf1,here
clr tr1
clr tf1
djnz r5,rpt
org 200h
db 40h,0f9h,24h,30h,19h,12h,02h,0f8h,00h,10h