org 00h

dig_ctrl4 equ p1.3              ;declare the control pins of seven segment

dig_ctrl3 equ p1.2

dig_ctrl2 equ p1.1

dig_ctrl1 equ p1.0

mov r3,#00h       ;for case selection

mov r0,#00h  ;status of visitor

ljmp main

org 000bh

mov tl0,#36h

mov th0,#0f6h

mov p2,#0ffh

clr dig_ctrl4

clr dig_ctrl3

clr dig_ctrl2

clr dig_ctrl1

inc r3

mov a,r3

mov b,#4

div ab

mov r3,b

cjne r3,#00,b1

mov dptr,#200h

mov a,r5

movc a,@a+dptr

mov p2,a

setb dig_ctrl1

sjmp last

b1: cjne r3,#01,b2

mov dptr,#200h

mov a,r4

movc a,@a+dptr

mov p2,a

setb dig_ctrl2

sjmp last

b2: cjne r3,#02,b3

mov dptr,#200h

mov a,r2

movc a,@a+dptr

mov p2,a

setb dig_ctrl3

sjmp last

b3: cjne r3,#03,last

mov dptr,#200h

mov a,r1

movc a,@a+dptr

mov p2,a

setb dig_ctrl4



main: setb p3.5

setb p3.6

clr dig_ctrl4

clr dig_ctrl3

clr dig_ctrl2

clr dig_ctrl1

mov tmod,#01h   ;timer 0 and mode 1

mov tl0,#0f6h

mov th0,#0ffh

mov ie,#82h

setb tr0

check: mov r6,#0aah

       abc2: acall delay

                   djnz r6,abc2

       jnb p3.5,up

       mov r6,#0aah

       abc3: acall delay

                   djnz r6,abc3

       jnb p3.6,down

       sjmp check

up: mov r6,#0aah

    abc4: acall delay

                djnz r6,abc4

                jb p3.6,up

                acall delay

bcd:jnb p3.6,bcd

    inc r0

    mov a,r0

                mov b,#10

                div ab

                mov r1,b

                mov b,#10

                div ab

                mov r2,b

                mov b,#10

                div ab

                mov r4,b

                mov r5,a

                cjne r0,#255,go

                mov r0,#00h

                go: sjmp check

down: mov r6,#0aah

     abc5: acall delay

                  djnz r6,abc5

                  jb p3.5,down

                  acall delay

bcd2: jnb p3.5,bcd2

      dec r0

      mov a,r0

                  mov b,#10

      div ab

                  mov r1,b

                  mov b,#10

                  div ab

                  mov r2,b

                  mov b,#10

                  div ab

                  mov r4,b

                  mov r5,a

                  cjne r0,#00,go1

                  mov r0,#255

                  go1: sjmp check

delay: mov tmod,#01h

       mov tl0,#36h

                   mov th0,#0f6h

                   setb tr0

  abc: jnb tf0,abc

       clr tr0

                   clr tf0


org 200h

DB 40h,0f9h,24h,30h,19h,12h,02h,0f8h,00h,10h


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  1. please provide circuit diagram for this particular code



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